
As a Nationally Recognised Nutritionist (NRN), Regular Jane's Fitness and Nutrition is qualified to provide detailed nutritional advice and meal planning assistance in support of YOUR unique needs and goals.

Here at Regular Jane's, we offer clients either dedicated nutrition coaching or the ability to combine their fitness program with a nutrition program to develop a holistic approach to physical well-being.


What can a Nationally Recognised Nutritionist do?

A Nationally Recognised Nutritionist can work with clients to identify their specific needs and goals and provide them with detailed nutritional advice, and tailored meal plans to assist the client in achieving those needs and goals.

Whether a client aims to lose weight, improve their general health, reduce stress, or improve their physical performance, a Nationally Recognised Nutritionist has the skills and knowledge to help a client achieve their goals.

Clients who sign up for our nutrition coaching receive:

  • A personalised planning session that takes into account YOUR goals, not an unrealistic set of expectations from a book or website
  • A nutrition plan that takes into account YOUR food preferences, including your guilty pleasures (believe it or not, you do not need to give them up completely)
  • And much more...

Visit our Programs Page for more information.
