Our most popular program and is for you if you don't want exclusive coaching like Workin' It, but want an exercise program for your goals. You'll receive a personalised six-week exercise program based on your likes, dislikes, any restrictions/injuries and number of sessions per week you'd like to have programmed. The App comes with videos so you know how to do unfamiliar exercises through your workout. Start Me Up can be done in the gym or in your home, with or without exercise equipment.
Start Me Up inclues:
- A six week workout program personalised to your needs
- Easy to use App which comes with How To videos for each exercise, track metrics and workouts for accountability
- The convenience of not having to set up your own training program
- The freedom to exercise where and when you want, with whatever equipment you have available
- Encouragement and regular check-ins to see how you're going through the App chat function
- Membership to the Regular Jane's Fitness and Nutrition community for additional support resources and tips

This is a level up to Start Me Up, a subscription program with a one-on-one coaching call every five to six weeks to progress your program as you get fitter and stronger!
Keep Me Going includes:
- Personalised programming and ongoing coaching
- Virtual coaching call every 5-6 weeks
- Online access to your own health and fitness application to track your progress and accountability
- Instructions for all exercises in your program and access to how-to videos for additional assistance
- The convenience of not having to set up your own training program
- The freedom to exercise where and when you want, with whatever equipment you have available
- Membership to the Regular Jane's Fitness and Nutrition community for additional support resources and tips

+Option to bundle with Nutrition Coaching at a discounted investment of $300 per month
Workin' It is a progressive program that grows with you. This is a hybrid of Start Me Up and Buddy Up and will give you the support and tools you need to work towards your health and fitness goals.
Workin' It includes:
- Personalised progressive programming and ongoing coaching, including an initial online consultation
- A free to download App to track your progress, watch How To videos, chat feature and share videos to check your technique with your coach
- Weekly online check-ins with feedback to track progress and accountability against your goals and help you with adjusting things as you go along
- The convenience of not having to set up your own training program
- The freedom to exercise where and when you want, with whatever equipment you have available
- One-on-one coaching calls so you're always well supported
- Membership to the Regular Jane's Fitness and Nutrition community for additional support resources and tips

Nutrition add-on at a discounted rate available during sign-up

If you know what you're doing to reach your fitness and nutrition goals BUT you are having trouble sticking with it, Buddy Up might be for you. We've all been there - we swear that this time we're going to stick with it, but then life gets in the way... again.
Buddy Up includes:
- Initial online consultatation and goal setting to set up your Accountabilty Buddy program, in an easy to use and free to download App
- Personalised Habit stacking and tracking for goal getting and accountability
- Accountability through regular online check-ins with us. We'll discuss your wins as well as anything that's holding you back and help you to put some strategies in place to keep moving forward
- Ongoing assessment of the progress against your goals and help with adjusting things as you go along
- Weekly online check-ins with feedback from your coach to track progress against your goals and help you with adjusting things as you go along
- One-on-One coaching calls so you're always well supported
- Membership to the Regular Jane's Fitness and Nutrition community for additional support resources and tips

+Option to bundle with Workin' It at a discounted investment of $300 per month
Create healthy nutrition habits that you can sustain as part of your lifestyle so you can live your life without deprivation and confidently make healthy nutrition choices that will improve your overall health and wellbeing.
Nutrition coaching includes:
- A personalised coaching program that takes into account YOUR goals, not an unrealistic set of expectations from a book or website
- Nutrition coaching that takes into account YOUR food preferences, including your guilty pleasures (believe it or not, you do not need to give them up completely)
- Weekly online check-ins with feedback to track progress against your goals and help you with adjusting things as you go along
- Access to a variety of healthy, easy and tasty recipes
- One-on-one coaching calls so your always well supported
- Membership to the Regular Jane's Fitness and Nutrition community for additional support resources and tips
As a Nationally Recognised Nutritionist (NRN), Regular Jane's Fitness and Nutrition is qualified to provide detailed nutritional advice and meal planning assistance in support of YOUR unique needs and goals.